Community Montessori was founded in a quaint historic building in Olde West Chester in 2010.
In 2018, behind increasing interest in true Montessori education, CMS purchased a school property in Liberty Township. The Liberty Township space sits on 19 beautiful acres of open fields and nature-filled woods.
"We are in our third year at Community Montessori. My son was having significant challenges at his first school. Going to CMS has changed our lives."
"CMS was expensive for our family but now I have to say it has been worth it to have the best possible start for our daughter."
"Jamie – My daughter came home today and said I love working with numbers! I was floored. Don’t ever doubt the great work you are doing."
"I can really see the difference with my daughter (3 year old). She is becoming so confident and wants to do so many things at home on her own now."